Hospital Strategic Plan (March 2016 – March 2020)
To view the plan in pdf format click here
Application period: Four years
March 2016 – March 2020
Prepared by: Dr. Youssef Abd Al-Hamid Al-Takrouri
General Director of Al-Ahli Hospital
Dear respected Board of Trustees of Patient Friends Society,
I am presenting to you the strategic plan for the hospital, noting that this plan was prepared in consultation and coordination with your kind Board and with the relevant medical and technical departments, taking their opinions, identifying their needs, and adopting a vision based on the philosophy of continuous improvement to provide better health services and in order to improve the Palestinian health system in integration with the Ministry of Health. Thank you with my respect and appreciation.
This plan presents five main directions that raise to achievements of health and community goals: :
1st : |
The plan of developing medical, nursing and technical staff, and the relationship with universities. |
2nd : |
The plan of developing the infrastructure of the hospital and parking lots. |
3rd : |
The plan of the proposed expansion of Hospital departments and creation new services. |
4th : |
The relationship with service providers such as the Ministry of Health, Military Medical Services, UNRWA and insurance companies. |
5th : |
Scientific Research. |
First: The plan of developing the medical, nursing and technical staff and the relationship with universities:
- The necessity of the expansion of the medical services provided in the hospital by attracting highly qualified doctors or additional subspecialties that do not exist in the Hospital.
- Sending doctors for long-term and short-term scientific courses scholarships in order to raise scientific and practical competence and become acquainted with everything new and innovative in the world of medicine.
- allocated doctors to work only in the hospital and opening the Hospital evening clinics (closing clinics outside the hospital). This will improve medical services and communication with patients and will increase the quality اof medical services that will be provided. It will also reflect positively on the doctors trained in the educational program of the Palestinian Medical Council.
The most important challenge facing hospital work is the migration of nurses to governmental hospitals. The most important reasons are salary, retirement, and working hours. Therefore, there is a need to find a mechanism to stabilize nursing in the hospital by modifying the staff, the nature of the work and the number working hours.
Technical Staff
-The necessity of developing staff through internal and external training courses and practical conferences.
-Study the structure and needs of the hospital, especially in the accounting department and the general maintenance department, due to the increase in the size of the hospital and the nature of the work.
-Establishing a committee for development and infection control and appointing an I.C. Officer (an infection control official), knowing that it is one of the important committees that is recommended globally.
Relationship with Universities
-Developing the educational program for doctors affiliated with the Palestinian Medical Council within the South Center.
- Developing the relationship with local universities for joint and mutual benefit, as they need the hospital to train their students.
Second: The plan of developing the infrastructure inside the hospital and parking lots.
Old Operations Department
After the operations department was moved to the third floor and 7 new operating rooms were opened, after more than a year has passed and the old department has been closed, we see that the old department is being exploited in two directions:
- Utilizing the front section (administrative rooms), annexing it to the intensive care unit, renovating it, and equipping it to become suitable for patient rooms and becoming an isolation department (ICU).
- Utilizing the back section (operations rooms) to be an expansion of the catheterization department, so that the new plan contains two new rooms, one for brain and heart catheterization for children, and another for heart catheterization and the artificial cardiac pacemakers. In addition to that, there is a connection with the old catheterization room to be a spare room.
The kitchen
It is necessary to work on preparing the kitchen roof so that the medical maintenance department can be moved onto it (it exists only in tile) in order to exploit the place currently occupied by the medical maintenance department, which is an equipped medical department.
It is necessary to remove the cafeteria from its current location inside the hospital, which is small and inappropriate. The cafeteria’s outer courtyard is not roofed and is only used in spring and summer. Here there is a necessity of moving the cafeteria to the outdoor courtyard after it has been completely roofed and closed, and moving and eliminating the current location of the cafeteria..
Main Corridors of Floors (1+2+3)
It is noted that patient companions are always present in the main corridors of floors (1+2+ 3), and this causes confusion and difficulty of movement for the working crews and also for patient beds and wheelchairs. Here I suggest that the possibility of building (towers) be studied between the buildings adjacent to the main corridor to be resting places. Here I suggest that rest rooms be prepared as part of the cafeteria roof project and the benefit is then evaluated.
General Appearance of the Hospital
IIt is noted that the general appearance of the hospital outside the medical departments/ceiling/floors/general entrance/emergency entrance...etc. has passed for a long period without renovation, due to the increased awareness of patients and their families resulting from globalization and the social media, and because the general appearance reflects an image and impression in the mind of patients and their families, it has become necessary to develop a plan to modernize and hotel these places, and thus we contribute to providing hotel services that are consistent with our vision of quality medical service and promoting an integrated health culture that matches the needs of the largest Palestinian governorate.
Hospital parking lots
The parking lot is not sufficient for the current need, and serious thought must be given to create new parking lots. The current reality hinders access to the emergency entrance, so restructuring the emergency entrance becomes an urgent need.
Third: The plan of the proposed expansion and creation of new services:
Nuclear Medicine
In keeping with the observations of the Ministry of Health/Licensing Department regarding the necessity of having isolation rooms for patients next to the department in B1 and away from the medical departments (currently they are on the 3rd floor), regardless of the fact that the rooms are isolated and equipped, a plan has been prepared to equip isolation rooms in the same department in B1 while maintaining Dedicated to the Pet Scan device.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Expansion
If the medical maintenance department is moved from the second floor, it will be possible to use it as an expansion for the Obstetrics and Gynecology, pediatric or prematurity department, etc.
Emergency department
The Emergency department is considered one of the most important departments in the hospital, but the department’s location is currently considered a corridor to the rest of the hospital’s departments, which causes many problems. Here, it is necessary to think about solutions and move the department’s location to be independent. I suggest that if the space is available, it should be designed according to the open system and not the rooms as it is currently.
Nursing College /Training and Education
- The current location of the Nursing College within the hospital is an inappropriate place and needs rehabilitation, as this place is suitable to be an Outpatient department or Emergency department (originally the Emergency department was there in the past). Here, it is necessary to seriously think about building an additional service building to accommodate the Nursing College and other departments.
- Two years ago, we obtained recognition for advanced and initial first aid training (ACLS + B.L.S) from the American Heart Association (AHA), but unfortunately, we lost the license due to the lack of training places, as the main training hall was turned to a Lithotripsy department.
- Here, if there is an external building, I suggest adding a department for training and continuing education, especially since Al-Ahli Hospital receives nursing students/medical students from local universities and doctors in the medical training program of the Palestinian Medical Council.
Fourth: A plan for the relationship with service Buyers such as the Ministry of Health, Military Medical Services, UNRWA, and insurance companies.
Patient Affairs Department
- We had previously presented to you, before I assumed the duties of General Director, the establishment of a Patient Affairs Department to organize the relationship with the Ministry of Health through the Service Purchasing Department, as it had a great impact in arranging and organizing the relationship with the Ministry, which is the main source of transfers, and we are currently working on preparing a clear agreement for services and prices on the deal system, noting that there is no clear agreement for services, but there are approvals for medical procedures, but they are not complete.
- This department also follows up claims for for military medical services.
- UNRWA: There is a signed agreement, which is not profitable and at a cost, but it is important within the society’s services to supports our people's resilience
- Insurance companies: After reviewing the insurance companies’ agreements, it was noted that they are old and their prices are also outdated. Therefore, I believe it is necessary to address all companies in order to issue clear agreements clarifying the payment mechanism and prices, with the need to review the price list and update it in two parts:
First: adding new medical services that were created in the hospital.
Second: Update prices to suit the service, as the current price list is outdated.
Fifth: Scientific research:
Al-Ahli Hospital is at the forefront of hospitals operating in Palestine and has achieved great medical and scientific achievements. It is required to establish a center specialized in scientific research with the aim of reporting the hospital’s medical and scientific achievements and publishing these achievements in periodicals and scientific magazines locally and internationally, knowing that the hospital has participated in many scientific studies and Recherche’s locally and internationally.
Dr. Youssef Al-Takrouri
General Director
- Publish Date 2024-03-16
- Posted By Public Relations Dep.
- عربي
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