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Latest Hospital News

Hajj Ibrahim Kazem Hassouna and Hajja Ikram Zuhair Al-Osaily donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


Hajj Ibrahim Kazem Hassouna and Hajja Ikram Zuhair Al-Osa...

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Hajj Khalil Abdullah Abu Ashkhidem donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


Hajj Khalil Abdullah Abu Ashkhidem dona...

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Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends society visited His Excellency Major General Ziad Hab Al-Rih


A delegation from the Board of Trustees and General Direct...

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Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends society visited His Excellency Major General Majid Faraj


A delegation from the Board of Trustees and General Director of P...

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Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron hosted a workshop on Mastering Clinical Research


Al-Ahli Hospital in Hebron hosted a workshop on Mastering Clinical ...

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Civil Defense visited Al-Ahli Hospital


The General Director of Civil Defense, Colonel Musa Abu Arqoub, ac...

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Al-Ahli Hospital holds a series of courses in the field of first aid


Within the endeavor to educate workers in the health sector and the...

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Mr. Mahmoud Al Badarin donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


Hajj Jamal Suleiman Abu Omar donated to...

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Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends society visited the General Secretary of the Public National Conference of Jerusalem


Board of Trustees and General Director o...

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Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends society visited Khalil al-Rahman Society in Ramallah


Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends s...

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Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends society visited Mr. Muheisen Al-Atawneh, the Director of the Palestine Office of Wafa Foundation


Board of Trustees and General Director of the Patient’s Friends soc...

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Board of Trustees and General Director of Patient’s Friends society visited His Excellency Jibril Rjoub


Board of Trustees and General Direct...

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Mr. Kamal Alzeer and his brothers donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


Mr. Kamal Alzeer and his brothersdonated to Al-Ahli Hospi...

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Mr. Mahmoud Al Badarin donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


Mr. Mahmoud Al Badarin donated to A...

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Hajj Mustafa Hijazi donates to Al-Ahli Hospital


Hajj Mustafa Hijazi donated to Al-Ahli Hospi...

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Hajj Saadi Al-Sarahna donates to Al-Ahli Hospital


Hajj Saadi Al-Sarahna donated to Al-Ahli Hospital within ...

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The sons of the late Rawhi Al-Atrash donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


The sons of the late Rawhi Al-Atrash donated to Al-Ahli Hospital wi...

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Al-Salam Investment Group Company donated to Al-Ahli Hospital


Al-Salam Investment Group Company, represented by Haj Abdel Halim A...

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Haj Amin Al-Sayuri and Mr. Mamoun Amin Al-Siuri donates to Al-Ahli Hospital


Haj Amin Al-Sayuri and Mr. Mamoun Amin Al-Siuri donates to Al-Ahli ...

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Messrs. Ezzedine Bahia Tamimi, Kamal Bahia Tamimi and Nour Bahia Tamimi donates to Al-Ahli Hospital


Messrs. Ezzedine Bahia Tamimi, Kamal Bahia Tamimi and Nour ...

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Al-Qawasma Jewelry Company donate to Al-Ahli Hospital


Al-Qawasma Jewelry Company represented by Dr. Muhammad Ghazi Al-Qaw...

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The sons of the late Haj Ezzo Adais Al-Husseini donate to Al-Ahli Hospital


The sons of the late Haj Ezzo Adais Al-Husseini, Dr. Majid, Dr. Wal...

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Ghaith Beverages and Food Company donates to Al-Ahli Hospital


Ghaith Beverages and Food Company represented by Haj Abdul Rahim Gh...

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Noor Misk Company donates to Al-Ahli Hospital


Noor Misk Company donates to Al-Ahli Hospital as part of the projec...

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Haj Khaled Subhi Al-Kababji and his sons donate to Al-Ahli Hospital


Haj Khaled Subhi Al-Kababji and his sons donate to Al-Ahli Hospital...

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Haj Tayseer Abu Shkheidem to Al-Ahli Hospital


Haj Tayseer Abu Shkheidem Dontas to Al-Ahli Hospital as part of the...

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The sons of Salim Al-Ashi donate to Al-Ahli Hospital


The sons of Salim Al-Ashi donate to Al-Ahli Hospital as part of the...

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Hajj Fayez Abu Zeina and his sons donate to Al-Ahli Hospital


Hajj Fayez Abu Zeina and his sons don...

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Essam Al-Takruri and his brothers donate to Al-Ahli Hospital


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Al-Ahli Hospital hosts a Training Course for Trauma and Disaster Team Response (TDTR)


On Tuesday morning, 12/27/2023, Al-Ahli Hospital hosted a training cou...

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Many thanks to everyone who honored us with our invitation to the charity dinner in favor of the Poor Patient Fund


Which was held in Amman at the Khalil Al-Rahman Charity Association on...

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Palestine Islamic Bank donates to Al-Ahli Hospital an advanced equipment for measuring pediatric vital signs


Based on the social responsibility of Palestine Islamic Bank and its s...

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Successful cerebral catheterization surgery at Al-Ahli Hospital / Hebron


A brain catheterization surgery was performed in Al-Ahly Hospi...

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We, with God's help, take care of you