Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Welcome to Al-Ahli Hospital - Hebron, wishing you a speedy recovery and a comfortable stay throughout your stay. We also welcome families and visitors, declaring our commitment to managing and working with your rights, the most important of which are:

    Rights of patients and companions:
  1. To be treated with respect and appreciation from all hospital staff members, in a safe environment free from undue obstacles.
  2. Access to immediate health care in emergency cases, without paying attention to the physical distance at the time and without undue delay.
  3. Receiving decent medical care that is appropriate to the nature of the patient's health condition.
  4. Obtaining a full explanation in an understandable language about the health condition, the proposed treatment, the potential complications for the patient, and the consent to receive or refuse treatment.
  5. The patient has the right to consult another doctor to make sure of the diagnosis and treatment provided.
  6. Agree or refuse to participate in research and training conducted at the hospital
  7. Receive health care without any prejudice on the basis of political affiliation, religious belief, color, sex, race, or any form of discrimination.
  8. Identification of the attending physician, nursing staff, and those in charge of the patient's health care and their job titles.
  9. Obtaining a copy of the summary of the patient's medical report in the event of discharge from the hospital.
  10. Submitting a complaint about the services and care provided to him, without fear of retaliation and having his complaint answered.
  11. The right of patients with disabilities to receive care that is appropriate to their needs.
  12. Maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the patient and his companions during hospitalization.
  13. To receive a detailed invoice showing all costs.
  14. Quick and safe evacuation in the event of any disaster.
  15. Aftercare of the patient.
  16. Discharge from the hospital at your own risk, provided you sign for it.
    Visitor rights:
  17. Visit the patient at specific times that are clearly announced.
  18. Use of the general facilities of the hospital.
  19. To be treated with respect and appreciation from all hospital staff members.
  20. Assistance in answering all questions raised in clear and understandable language.
    Duties of patients and companions:
  21. Adhere to the hospital's policy.
  22. Adhere to the permitted visiting times, and maintain calm and cleanliness in the hospital.
  23. Respect the privacy of other patients.
  24. Dealing with respect with the hospital staff, and not violating them or violating their dignity, or causing them physical or psychological harm.
  25. Provide complete and correct information about your current complaint and medical history, any allergy to any prescription drugs, and all other matters relating to your health.
  26. Tell your doctor or nurse immediately if there is any change in your health condition, or any feeling of not improving.
  27. Adhere to the appointments set in the hospital, and come on time without delay. If you are unable to attend, please contact the appointments department as soon as possible.
  28. Adhere to the instructions of your treating physician and medical team members.
  29. You understand giving priority to others when necessary.
  30. Follow the hospital's security and safety instructions for your safety.
  31. Notify the nurse of your whereabouts when you are allowed to walk.
  32. Maintaining property, safe and proper use of hospital facilities and equipment.
  33. Paying your account gives the hospital the power to continue performing its charitable and humanitarian mission.

We, with God's help, take care of you