Pharmacy and medical warehouse

  • Medical warehouses are considered one of the most important departments that hospitals care about, because they represent frozen funds in the form of stored goods, which vary to include raw materials, medical supplies, medicines, and others.
  • It should be noted the role of warehouses in providing and managing the necessary materials for the work of all medical departments in the hospital to ensure the provision of the highest standards of medical service to patients.
  • The Al-Ahli Hospital pharmacy is central, meaning that it dispenses medicine to inpatients and insured patients from one center, which saves us from expenses and staff.
  • The pharmacy operates 24 hours a day without closing and dispensing medicine to patients on the unit Dose system, the complete daily dose system for the patient.
  • Al-Ahly Pharmacy dispenses the medicine to all employees and their families after fulfilling the required percentage from each employee
  • The pharmacy dispenses important and necessary medicines, and they are only available in the Al-Ahly Hospital pharmacy in very special cases, such as: The medicine is out of the market
  • The pharmacy dispenses free medicines to the poor, the needy, and some humanitarian cases.
  • A pharmacist works in the pharmacy department, who is in charge of the pharmacy, and 5 qualified pharmacist assistants, so that the full time is covered without resorting to placing medicines in the departments.

  • We, with God's help, take care of you