
Since the establishment of the PFS and the hospital, the Financial Department at Al-Ahli Hospital has been considered an important cornerstone that can be relied upon to achieve various goals, as this department manages the Society’s financial capabilities and assets in order to maintain financial stability.


The Financial Department is the body that is responsible for organizing all financial issues and matters in the hospital (operational, investment, financing, etc.) and is responsible for collecting the hospital's funds, following up on the collection of its internal and external revenues, and paying its financial obligations, in accordance with the regulations and decisions issued by the successive Boards of Trustees. This comes within the Palestinian Charitable Societies Law and the accounting standards, as the department is committed to taking all precautions, procedures and means of control to ensure the protection of the Society’s funds and enhance the role of internal control in it.


The department provides the necessary services to the hospital community (patients, visitors, administration, employees, departments, suppliers and companies, other donor bodies and public and private institutions) through its branching departments as follows:


1. Main Accounting Department

2. Patients Accounting Department

3. (Reception, emergency and Outpatients Clinics) accounting department

4. Main Treasurer and Collection Officer

5. Collections Department

6. Insurances



Department Main Goals:

1. Contributing in meeting the future financial needs of the hospital according to available resources.

2. Improving cash flow to sustain the organization’s work.

3. Contributing in the financial risk management.

4. Controlling current spending in accordance with the hospital’s strategic plan.

5. Providing accounting data for the purposes of making rational decisions.



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